IEFW, offers you the possibility to store your goods under IST during 90 days.

  • Customs Warehouse:

The status of CUSTOMS WAREHOUSE allows us today to offer storage services for goods with NON-EU status in suspension of CUSTOMS DUTIES and TAXES while awaiting their final destination/status.

This strictly controlled status is quite economically attractive to our clients due to the fiscal and customs advantages which it offers in the management of international trade.

  • For an unlimited period of time, you can build up under bond stocks that are immediately available,
  • You benefit from the possible suspension of certain commercial policy measures (license),
  • You benefit from a significant cash-flow advantage, as duties and taxes are only payable when the product is released for consumption,
  • Your competitiveness is increased in the case of re-exports to third countries, since customs duties have not affected the cost price.
  • Full Bonded Warehouse: Temporary warehousing under FBW

– A place where non-Union goods can be stored for 90 days under suspension of duties, taxes and commercial policy measures.

– For the exit of the temporary storage area, the operator must, at the approach of the 90 days, non-extendable period, to place the goods under a Customs procedure or to re-export them.

For more informations, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at : or by phone on +33 (0)3 21 91 88 88

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